PRP Injections:

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is very safe as it utilizes the patient's own cells to extract platelet derived growth factors. It has widely gained use for non-surgical hair restoration. Other in-office applications for PRP therapy include facial rejuvenation, stretch marks, and scar revision. 


Following a quick blood draw, platelet derived growth factors are extracted from your own blood cells. The platelet-rich plasma is activated to release its growth factors and signaling proteins and injected locally either in the scalp or injected or applied topically on the face for rejuvenation.

PRP is an extremely safe procedure that can provide a natural and effective alternative to various pharmaceutical or surgical treatment options in the market today.They can be used for both facial rejuvenation as well as for hair restoration therapy. 

Individuals with thinning hair and those seeking facial rejuvenation-including treatment of fine lines and treatment of the under eye area.

Since the autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is processed from the patient’s own blood, there is virtually no risk of an allergic reaction or rejection. Nevertheless, before any treatment, disclose all the medications you are taking (including herbs) to your doctor. There have been no known side effects reported to date. Some patients may experience some mild irritation, swelling, bruising, itching, discoloration or tenderness at the injection sites. These are temporary conditions and typically resolve within two days.

The number of treatments needed depends on each individual patient’s needs and your doctor’s treatment plan. As a stand-alone therapy, many physicians recommend a series of one-three sessions spaced four-six weeks apart for optimal results.

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